Our favorite time of year is here and we won’t let anything rain on our parade!
No doubt, Pride 2020 will look a little different from the last. Amidst the chaos of the pandemic, over 300 cities have responsibly cancelled or postponed their events, leaving millions of community members, activists, supporters wondering when we will be able to celebrate the 51st anniversary of our famed anti-queer rebellion.

Although this June may not be filled with hoards of temporary tattoos, neon bracelets and/or clouds of glitter, we will still honor the more important aspects of what makes pride one of the most celebrated events of the year, the people who made its history a prominent part of our culture, and the wonderful ways we at Nuvata will be honoring the flavors of the rainbow!
So grab your pods and your margaritas! Let’s take a jog down memory lane!

1946 – The First (and Oldest) LGBT Organization is Born!
Founded in the Netherlands, the organization called the Center for Culture and Recreation was vaguely named in an attempt to mask its true taboo purpose.
1951 – The First National Gay rights Organization Emerges.
American gay rights activist, communist, and labor advocate Harry Hay formed the first national gay rights organization, The Mattachine Society.
1955 – The First Lesbian Rights Organization in the US is Founded.
Originating in San Francisco, Daughters of Bilitis, originally an alternative social club to lesbian bars became an educational resource for the LGBT community over the course of 14 years.
1969 – The Stonewall Riots
NYC police raided the Stonewall Inn, a prominent gay club in Greenwich village, resulting in the famed Stonewall Uprising, the most significant event leading up to the gay liberation movement (Also known as the event that inspired the annual Pride Parade).
1970 – The First Pride Parade Begins!
Lead by bisexual activist Brenda Howard and her committee, the community marched from Greenwich Village to Central Park to honor the iconic social forces of the Stonewall Riots.
1978 – The Rainbow Flag Takes the Sky!
Gay politician Harvey Milk influences his friend Gilbert Baker to design the original rainbow flag, an all-encompassing symbol that flew proud during the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
2015 – Same Sex Marriage is (Finally) Legalized!
With a 5-4 decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges, the U.S Supreme Court finally recognizes same-sex marriage as legal in all 50 states!

This year, more than ever, we are waving our virtual pride flags (and pods) high, honoring the diversity of sexuality from the comfort of our living rooms and commemorating the 1979 evolution of the six-stripe rainbow flag with 6 iconic Nuvata flavors you can taste, and (more importantly)… feel.

Pride Symbolism: LIFE
Fuel your creativity and rejuvenate your mind with the taste of strawberry.

Pride Symbolism: HEALING
Energize your being and revive your soul with a splash of tangerine.

Pride Symbolism: SUNLIGHT
Balance your energy and maintain your focus with a tart, tropical burst.

Pride Symbolism: NATURE
Engage your body and soothe your mind with a subtle hint of lime.

Pride Symbolism: SERENITY
Restore your form and relax your body with the sweet essence of blueberries.

Pride Symbolism: SPIRIT
Amplify your sensations and calm your spirit with a juicy surge of wild grape.
Whether you are Cisgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, asexual, genderqueer, or uncategorized, remember to give kudos to your own strength and resilience and (puff puff) pass that kindness to the community around you. Social justice is not achieved alone. Continue to raise awareness, Exist. Persist. Resist.