Whether you’re looking for an aid to wellness and mindfulness or simply to add a little extra flavor to life, Nuvata’s premium vaporizers deliver cannabis that’s perfectly suited for your needs.
Our process of combining cannabinoids and terpenoids, paired with our deep understanding of the ‘entourage effect’, allows us to create enhanced states of mind, body, and everywhere in between. Terpenoid research is the fascinating frontier of cannabis innovation, and through it, we can customize sensational effects to provide a personalized experience.
Nuvata’s goal is to make it simple and easy for you to enjoy the wellness, mindfulness, and fun that cannabis can bring to life.
Classifying Cannabis
Nuvata’s premium vaporizer line delivers six vapes with corresponding effects that are represented through a rainbow spectrum and proprietary Mind Body scale. Thus, allowing cannabis consumers to select and customize what high they want to achieve on the Mind Body scale.
Through persistent research, our team- constructed simple, yet effective combinations of cannabis oil blends that deliver an individualized and curated experience for all cannabis consumers.
These six blends make up our Mind Body series of vaporizers; Full Mind, Mind Dominant, Mind Balance, Body Balance, Body Dominant, and Full Body. Below are descriptions of each Nuvata vape profile and its corresponding effects.
Full Mind
This blend was formulated to deliver maximum mindfulness through a combination of specifically selected terpenes. Thus, resulting in an uplifting feeling that is perfect for being creative, proactively accomplishing work, studying or even participating in public speaking. The refreshing strawberry taste will leave every consumer feeling clear and rejuvenated.
Mind Dominant
The next blend on our Mind Body scale is Mind Dominant. Similar to the previous blend, this formula was crafted to provide a sharp cognitive focus while putting your body at ease. For that reason, this blend is ideal for getting energized before an activity like a hike, swim, surf session, or everyday exercise. The tangerine citrus flavor is a pleasant jolt to the taste buds, enlivening the senses with its bright and lively profile.
Mind Balance
As we move to the center of our Mind Body scale, we have our Mind Balance blend. This combination provides equal parts mindfulness and wellness leaving you focused mentally and physically. Our Mind Balance vaporizer is best for practicing yoga, meditating, or relaxing during travel. Its tropical flavor profile will evoke feelings of calm as if you were on vacation.
Body Balance
Alternatively, our Body Balance cannabis blend is equal parts mindfulness and wellness, however, this blend produces more of an engaging experience when consumed. We recommend our Body Balance for partying, dancing, socializing, or having a picnic on a sunny day and its lime flavor offers a citrus burst of cool refreshment.
Body Dominant
Our more wellness and restful-focused blend, Body Dominant, delivers a more significant physical effect than previous blends. It evokes a settled and restful state while putting the body at ease resulting in an overwhelming sensation of peacefulness. Our Body Dominant vaporizer combines well with a night of Netflix & Chill, a trip to the spa, or getting that long-overdue massage. Our blueberry flavor profile exudes a cool, refreshing and calming aroma that floods the senses with rejuvenation.
Full Body
The final blend in our Mind Body scale is Full Body, our most body dominant experience. Formulated to deliver wellness from head to toe, Full Body is the only option when looking for optimal relaxation. Enjoy this vaporizer during intimacy with a loved one, for a good night’s sleep, or the need for some form of body restoration. The unique wild grade flavoring creates an intriguing taste, full of aroma without being overwhelming.
Disposable, Discreet, and Dosable Experiences
Our premium vaporizers are fashionable, efficient, and inconspicuous so you can spend your time focused on the positive effects of cannabis, not the logistics of consumption and worries of stigmatization. They are ready to use at the point of reveal and optimized to seamlessly blend into your daily routine.
Our vaporizer’s dual airflow technology allows for a smoother hit, grasps more flavor, and provides a better draw from the device through precision heating. The hardware is leak and clog-resistant for maximum durability during usage.
Designed for on-the-go consumption, Nuvata’s vaporizers are disposable and ready to use out of the box. There is no charging necessary for convenience and ease of use. The design is sleek, hip, and color-coded to a flavor.
This article is only a short introduction to Nuvata, our process, and our premium vaporizers. In our next post, we will share the science behind terpenes and why they are so critical to our spectrum of curated cannabis experiences.